Application Tips

Avoid storytelling when answering questions, keep your answers direct and straight to the point.

Do not copy and paste the same answer in different sections.

Please send in one application per idea, any duplicate applications will be discarded.

Your application is automatically saved every time you log out, please take your time.

Submit your application only when it is 100% complete. You cannot amend your application once it has been submitted.

Please consider the following criteria

To successfully apply, your team needs to consist of at least two co-founders.

If it's a tech enabled company, the team must include a technical co-founder or the company should have an existing product in the market.

At least one member of the founding team needs to be older than 21.

At least one member of the founding team will need to be working full-time in the company.

We are looking for non-traditional scalable businesses that have high potential for growth with limited funding.

The team should be able to present a clear idea and execution plan of their business. Should your application successfully go through, you will be asked about your strategy and business model during the interview.

The business must have a solid business model and revenue stream(s).

